Monday, August 25, 2008

Smash The State Presents: Someone we can all believe in.

Since Republicans and Democrats are two parts of the same seven headed dragon, we feel that AMERICA needs someone who they can trust and believe in, so representing the "Cool Dudes With Tudes" party we give you:



Anonymous said...

I loved him in CASTAWAY!

dv said...

I will vote for him to join the GI JOE GAME WAR COUNCIL

Stuart said...

I'm running on the AMERICA FOR AMERICANS party ticket, as well as the AWESOME party, the JOHN CANDY R.I.P. party; I'm running for the Federalists, the Def-Jamists, the Anti-Whigs, the Bull Moose-Squirrels and of course I'm on the Green party ticket as V.P.

If elected, I will read some books on politics, finance and geography, and come out on day one tearing through problems with the intensity of Kevin Garnett, the skills of Kobe Bryant, and the height of Spud Webb. Also, I'll be using a lot of Tom Petty opening music.

Sidenote: Do you think that if she opened AND closed her sets with "American Girl," Hillary would be the party choice right now? I'm just saying.