Tuesday, October 28, 2008

G.I. Joe comix

I just realized that with the new G.I. Joe continuity coming like 25 years of the good the bad and the awful shit with the comics are over. I guess life is a carnival and I'm gonna explain what I sorta remember about them.

Issues #1-20: The best written shit I sorta remember, showed how hacky Hama was after he killed off Kwinn, Scarface, that jerk in the shades and Dr. Venom. Clutch was good though.

Issues #21-whenever the fuck they invaded Springfield. Yeah SILENCE! Ripcord doing stuff, Scrap Iron killing a goddamn old fat guy with a rocket, Serpentor!

After what I described until the Civil War: Can't remember anything!

The Cobra Civil war; There was one panel with a televiper with a bullet hole in his helmet. That was cool, so was Short Fuse showing up. 

The first like 15 issues of the 100's, Jerks got killed finally, including homoerotic scientists, Breaker showing up and dying, Steeler showing up out of fucking nowhere!

The rest of the Marvel run: Stupid shit, drug dealers, Eco Force, Mindbender refrences cheers, Transformers, Wade Collins' kid,  Quick Kick cameo, I don't read this stuff like a schmo!

DDP/Image: Hey guys let's draw everyone the same! let's make shitty refrences to the cartoon, let's kill off characters, let's re do stuff just worse, Let's totally rush the last thing and call it World War 3... Well fuck that shit, the only media related World War 3 I'll deal with is:


Jaysun said...

I love D.O.A. more than anyone else I can think of.

"Behind the smile" from the Terminal City Ricochet soundtrack may just be the finest song ever.

Dr. Henry E. Miller said...

If the Urinals can come to NY to play infront of 20 people, so can D.O.A goddamnit. I blame this all on Randy Rampage.

And Jaysun you are right, behind the smile is the best D.O.A song made after 1984, and possibly the best one ever.

Anonymous said...

Best GI JOE comic was the 3D one where Raptor creates super soldiers who can't be killed.

Jaysun said...

And speaking (as I often do) obout DOA, I can recall waiting in line at the Reseda Country Club to see them, and the two cowering little disco girlies trying to scalp their tix, which they bought thinking they wre going to see the disco-biscuity goodness of the band ...


Many a young punk got a kick out of that. The fear in their eyes was touching. I tried to tell them they had a chance to see the greatest band in the world. They did not take stock in my comments.

It's really quite retarded how much I love DOA.

Dr. Henry E. Miller said...

I've never got to see them, Johnny Turk recently did though. They haven't played New York since like early 2002 or some shit. Have you heard the new album Jay?

Jaysun said...

I have not, and I must admit to the fact that the last album of theirs I got was Murder.

Well, it was actually a best-of, but the last proper studio album was Murder...or was it the one they did with Jello?

Crystal Meth has killed my memeory, brother.

Johnny Turk said...

Hey those G.I. Joe in 3-D covers were hilarious, they either looked like they were an LSD trip about G.I. Joe or poorly drawn and involving fucking Spearhead.

Dr. Henry E. Miller said...

Well, the new LP is probably the best thing they have done since the album with Jello, it's a return to form after a couple real underwhelming efforts, and it has a song called "Police Brutality" you can't go wrong with a song title like that.

Johnny Turk said...

I think Murder came out after the one with Jello, they a did a whole wack of really goofy ones with bad cover songs on them, then Randy Rampage came back and then they recorded one with Bob Rock, and Randy Rampage is already gone from D.O.A., I think he was gone before the album even came out

Jaysun said...

When I saw DOA, I was personally handed a freshly-screened "true north strong and free" tour poster by Joey Shithead.

I was all agog.

Jaysun said...

And how bout s'more "stupid thing said on the net" articles, man?

I gotta be in there somewhere from the 'Tank!