Friday, January 16, 2009


GREETINGS FRIENDS are broken, the STATE WEBSITE of the review of the TOY of action is now under new ownersshio? YES, THAT is TRUE RUSSIAN FIRM of mass-media, "QUITSTALIN" has bought IMPACT, the REVIEW of ACTION of the STAKE (and the maintenance of a box of underwear of girlfriends of Turks Джонни) is not afraid of names (names) of such greater people as jack of Volume and doctor Harold, matlby will keep there places on a word renowed a website not enojyed blu the moon kuentucky WELL NEW FEEATURES INCL UDE edbedding musical advertising for Russia punsk rocks senstations the bolisviks

The post contnet cassandras was quit with mirrlers cowards draewr interview to John talley джонс RUSSIAN писсуаров rock groups of a hit (impact) PROPOGANDA DIO the HISTORY, named (caused) " PROTECTION OKTOBER AGAINST the TRANSFORMER ", the REVIEW of ALL four figures (numbers) of action of PROTECTION OKTOBER, ARRIVING SOON we SHALL buy PLASTIK NOTHKING BROCA the COTTAGE, And all over again the BEST ANGRY LAST REVIEW FUCKS DEMOCRAZY