Friday, October 12, 2007

I don't care that you're only 13, 13 is my lucky number

Recently I was looking at G.I. Joe action figures, and noticed "Good christ, Torpedo looks kinda like Brian Peppers wearing a scuba mask" this I found hilarious, and then I remembered Joe fans gave Torpedo the nickname of "pedo". Pedo is short for pedophile, so I got a kick out of a guy who's nickname is synonomus with driving in a van, growing mustaches, and having sex with children, looking a lot like a sexual predator.

thanx too google image search for the rockin' Brian Peppers on velvet image.


Stuart said...

I always thought there was something crazy in Torpedo's eyes.

Johnny Turk said...

"Conventions make people stupid. You assemble 50% of the the human population who thinks spending this much money on crap into one place, and they start to feel like they're normal somehow. Mob mentality takes over. Combine that and the disposable income that 35 year old single men who live with their parents have, and it's pretty much the perfect way to make money. I might go down to the next con and sell "convention exclusive" punches in the face for $15.97 each."

Stuart, I like your moxie. Me and Doctor Henry E. Miller think you should totally write for us. Let us know

Anonymous said...

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