Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Johnny Turk reviews the 25th:

As a roadie for E.L.O. I have a lot of disposable income and a lot of free time since those niggas haven't toured in like 30 years or something. Anyways I'm reviewing the 25th jerks I own:

Storm Shadow: Nigga what kinda of ninja dresses up as little red riding hood. 1/10

Red Ninja: Man what's with the ginormus fireplace poker? 4/5

Hawk: Hell yeah forgettable figure from 82, what the fuck is with the gloves? B-

Stalker: Hell yeah black guy with a mustache and a knife (you see one Willie Horton you've seen them all) this guy is good except that he should check out the skin on his hands, motherfucking wrinkly The Subhumans (9/10)

Cobra/Cobra Officer/Cobra AIR TROOPER: Not bad better than the fucking Neo Viper

Cobra Commander: Atleast his back isn't flat this time 6/10

Flash: Dude your ugly but better than Sci Fi

Grand Slam: Dude, why the fuck did they make you? 0/0

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