Thursday, August 21, 2008


According to this website:

We are worth $583.00

Me and Johnny Turk are gonna sell the blog to German investors and go grab a case of PBR and a ELO record and party out in a field in Wyoming for a week!

So if posts suddenly drop off, we didn't get sued by Thomas Wheeler or the guy who called us HATER BLOGGERS we cut our loses and passed out in a field near Gillette Wyoming.


dv said...

wyoming isn't so bad, guys. there are a few good cowboy bars there where you can score a tall can of BUSCH (the camo and hunter orange kind) for like $.75 or $1.

Anonymous said...

$583! That's almost enough to buy next year's Joe Con set!

Anonymous said...

$583, that's almost enough to make Linda Ronstadt drop her panties.