We at Smash The State are all about our history, and tonight we dig through the GI Joe Newsgroup and find Mike Fountains greatest hits. From foreign figures for sale to challenging Corey Stinson to a fist fight, its all here!
Lets take a stroll down memory lane:
Nothing like a page right out of 1996 threatening to out bid me on E-bay.
" We are small in number and we like it that way.... More people out there for us to hunt.We are the ones that come out of no where and take that item you have been watching all week!!We might be after you next!!"
He called himself "Mike De Aco" and was a jerkoff, this is one of his earliest newsgroup postings:
"Plain, dead, and simple the Cobra Mortal from Argentina
is the rarest and most valuable Joe ever made. Makes a Gold Head and a
Manimal look sick. The filecard is located on our website.
Over and out!
Some of Mikes greatest hits throughout the years:
"Corey it seems that since you keep failing to beat me on Ebay, you
have to come here to get in some cheap shots. This off the court talk is
nothing. When you can outright beat me on something you can talk, but
you have yet to do that. So Corey cry to your mommy or someone else that
cares, because I do not and I am here to stay."
And sometimes one of his "Elite" "Baddest men" would show up:
Still buggin about the day we met, huh!!
Well thank you for mentioning me it shows that
you do recognize who your superiors are. I'm
gonna say this, people know we exists and we will
remain for the benefit of us and to save money in
our pursuit for the ultimate collection. I have
mentioned in my me page that this is all for fun
so all you cry babies need to leave us alone.
Collecting is suppose to be fun and this is fun
to see bitch ass busters (C. Stinson) cry about
this. Your whinning encourages me. I love to prey
on the WEAK!!! Survival of the fittest fool! And
to everyone that also is bad mouthing my very
good friend Mike Fountain F@#K all of you and
take your Joes and shove'em up your a$$! Mike is
a very nice and fun person that enjoys collecting
and takes it seriously. Don't give him any of
your B.S. If you (C. Stinson) got a problem w/ me
or my very good friend (De-Aco) then cut the
whinning grow some bigger balls, bid higher and
you MIGHT get what you want instead of losing it
to us.
Still one of the "Baddest Men On Ebay"
cut this B.S. public anouncment an handle it on
the battle field. People no we exist and we will
remain, to save money and get our Joes. If you
want, grow bigger balls bid higher and maybe you
might get something you want instead of losing it
to me. Ebay is for people who have fun collecting
and one way of having fun is listening to you cry
so I'll keep doing what I'm doing and you keep on
crying and losing, but cut the B.S. and handle
your bussiness on the battlefield (Ebay).
E-bay is serious business! Because its a BATTLEFIELD.
"It is very rare that we show our cards on the really big items until the
end of the auction. Yeah, we might throw a couple early bids here or
there in hopes to steal something at a low price, but as we all know to
get those hard to find Joes, you have to snipe. So no one has any idea
who is going to show up at the last second, but you will never find The
Baddest Men showing up on the same item."
And it continued:
"Once again, Corey, open mouth insert foot. You really need to re-read
The Baddest Men On Ebay page. We always talk s*** to each other when we
get beat. Even worse than we do to you. So once again you are talking
out your a**, with no clue of what you are talk about. Yet another
chapter in the book.
I am highly competitive. If you cannot hang with the big dogs, stay at
home and keep your dog Toto with you. "
"I am outspoken and fearless, I do not care what others say. I walk with
my head up high, to know that all you people sit around your house
speculating about me. I now know that so many people know my name and
people that do not know it call me sir. All of this goes to show that I
have put fear into your mortal hearts. I have two of the bigger threads
on this board devoted to me. So worry about reconstructing your own
life. "
"Sucks when you are made to look like a damn fool, don't it??
One of The Baddest Men On Ebay! "
"De-Aco the sniper!! Ain't that right Corey? You know it cause I've out
sniped your ass evertime you tried me.
Yeah, Corey you are still a dumb ass! Tony said, he would shoot you. I
said, I would throw you across the world. Kinda ass backwards, ain't
ya?...... My offer still stands but you are a punk with a keyboard. Type
on, but we all know who the baddest men are!"
" Oh, how nice the fu*kboys ride again! Well, Corey like I told you after
your last post against me. Which told me/Tonymontanna to meet you at a
Joe show. Meet me in the middle and I will let you find out first hand
what this baddest baddest sh*t is all about! "
"Once again Corey you are ass backwards..... LOL!! Tony said he would
shoot you. I said, "I would throw your ass back home." I am the baddest,
until you can prove other wise I will stand a top. Cause my record shows
on snipes, you are all loses against me! Sucks don't it? But facts are
facts, and you are the loser!
Over and out!
Keep in mind, these are all over the span of a year, across five or six different threads.
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