Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Hey fuck you

Well it's been one year and me and Dr. Henry E. Miller (Who is going to fight Eric Blume in the opening round of a gay rodeo in Utah soon) have continuously half assed thinly veiled threats towards people like Thomas Wheeler, Mike Fountain, and the roman catholic church on a semi regularly basis. So thank you, you three people who have read this, your almost as big a hero as the Doctor.

Also Tom Jacks Esquire is a useless guy and I'd fire him if I knew how to.

Peace out!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Why stop with those? You've scratched the surface of Joe fandom! Well, actually, there's nothing under the surface but various other a-holes, including the MODERATOR AT EVERY FORUM THERE IS types. And Reviewers who say with every reviews "I NEVER LIKED _____, but this new version of _______ is awesome!" What the fuck did this guy every like?