Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Generic Thomas Wheeler Post

Step 1: Topic about something boring and dull that no one really should care about (I hid a Shockwave re-issue at TRU for 3 weeks)

Step 2: Sound like an out of it old dude (Why did a 7 year old dress like a street thug with spiked hair, leather jacket and jeans)

editors note: What kind of thug wears that nowadays? Last gangsta I met was wearing an airbrushed Biggie t-shirt.

Step 3: Mention you take the bus

Step 4: Mention you live in an apartment

Step 5: Make a comment about your intelligence (I have an IQ of 139)

Step 6: Make a comment about being broke.

Step 7: Profit! well no actually I think this takes 18 dollars out of your bank account.

1 comment:

Stuart said...

Imagine having to deal with him in real life. I mean, maybe you shouldn't. I don't try to imagine it. I try to imagine jumping into a ball pit the size of an Olympic swimming pool with Tracy Ullman and a few dozen bags of gummy bears at the bottom.