Sunday, October 19, 2008

Hello Ladies

That guy looks like my old landlord, shit, he probably IS my old landlord.

Dressing up as G.I Joe's is never a good idea folks, don't do it. You embarrass us all. Yeah I know considering what "hobby" this is thats kind of an empty statement, but please don't dress up as fucking action figures, unless you're my old landlord.


delta said...


Anonymous said...

So that's why Bazooka exists; he's an easy costume for all the dumb and dumpy Joe fans.

Still, I would not discourage decent looking women from dressing as the Baroness. That is a good idea, though there's a time and place for it.

Anonymous said...

He was going to go as Flint, but then he would've had to shave his child molester mustache.