Friday, October 17, 2008

Things I've Learned

Stuff I've learned about G.I Joe Since 2007:

- Action figures don't need to have the same range of movement as they did in 1983 because HASBRO IS LISTENING TO THE FANS THIS TIME

- It's totally alright if you string along people into thinking that paying like 80 bucks for a tank everyone knows is not coming is perfectly fine.

- Chase variants are totally gay

- Finally the worst elements of toy collecting have enveloped Joe.

- There really isn't any limit on how many times you can repaint that lameass 25th trooper mold, theres been what, like 30 now?

- Nuclear War is a motherfucker

- People still make awful customs and Dios

- People made better customs in 1998 then they do now

- That its possible to write the same four reviews for every new wave of figures that comes out and still be praised for it.

- That Mike Fountains WebTV E-mail address has expired. Damn!

- That the BADDEST MAN ON E-MAIL trolled Corey Stintson with his television.

- That Smash The State Never Loses

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

- You can change the scale of the figures and most fans won't care, in fact they'll be more likely to put down old vehicles and figures for not being true 1:18 scale.
I remember when scales like that were for model geeks.

- Despite the years of bashing and bandwagon kewl-to-hate-what-everyone-else-does attitudes regarding the GI JOE cartoon, most fans will gush over Toon tribute toys (far more than gush over comic book colored figures!)

- Genny Hawk's wife won't buy him a new camera.

- Matt Trakker is more important part of GI JOE history than Recondo, Ripcord or Dr. Mindbender.

- Figures that weren't popular enough to see mass release in 2006 for $7 each are now worth more than $15 each.

- It's totally worth paying $60 joining a lame club to get yet another repaint of Undertow.