Thursday, October 2, 2008

Someones gonna pay like 13 bucks for this

I really hope that pump is included to help neckbeards breathe after it hits them they spent like 10-13 bones on a figure that has less joint movements then the Han Solo figure from like 1978. How useful is a giant fucking pump in battle, is deep-six supposed to jump up and down on it and ruffle some papers Cobra has or blow wind in there faces so they get all uncomfortable? This crazyass jerk is also packaged with a Rock N Roll that can accually move his damn arms so hes weighing down a figure with an inferior body style but is a cool dude, so fuck this guy!


Anonymous said...

The Star Wars comic packs actually contain original figures not available later (assumably), the GI JOE ones are 90% repainted crap or early releases of future carded figures.

But this Deep Six will be great to fill all those unmanned Sharc repaints offered over the years. You can swap his head and put any 25th style Joe in an immovable diving suit! Yay.

Jaysun said...

back in the day, the only use i could find for this unpolished turn was at the bottom of my dad's fishtank.

btw-i'm watching dr. strangelove right now.

and that makes me a dandy fop.

Jaysun said...

not turn...turd.