Tuesday, November 4, 2008


I've never seen anything thats pissed off lameass nerds this much since paintwipes:

"I wish nothing but the worst life has to offer for this fool and any other who pulls this kind of BS. I really hope they suffer untold misery throughout the rest of their pathetic lives."


I bet these people also have strong opinions on the 90's batman movies, anime and eat Hamburger Helper 3 times a week.

Fucking nerds.


Anonymous said...

I think figure swapping is becoming an art...scam art, but an art, like retail graffiti.

It's the retarded wage slaves who accept the obviously tampered with returns. I mean, figure swap once, shame on you, figure swap 5 times and shame on Wal-Mart.

dv said...

yeah i was pretty impressed with some of the figure swapping i saw. it took time and effort, it was like gi joe civil disobedience

also sorry, Doc, I think Batman is pretty cool and Speed Racer and G-Force are sweet so they count as anime I guess

I don't think I've ever actually eaten hamburger helper though, and i never will

but i WILL figure swap


Jaysun said...

I dunno...I been keeping meself busy by just stealing them from walmart.

Johnny Turk said...

Ztore Chasm you have to write for Smash The State, your the best guy who has an anonymus varied name. Plus I need an excuse to fire Tom Jacks

D. Verburg, Speed Racer is rad, Doctor Henry E. Miller is a chowderhead

Jaysun your the most hardcore guy here, thus you have replaced "Teenage Jesus and the Jerks" as #1 on my list of "People I barely know but seem great" list

Jaysun said...

...and I'm in love with GG Allin.

dv said...

i had to write a paper about An Important American in like english 102 however many years ago and I wrote it about GG Allin

everyone was disgusted

i could write the same paper about Jay Reatard now just using the search and replace function

Jaysun said...

yo, d verburg...

I like Gundams too.

I spend ungodly amounts of money and time on those miniature dispensers of death.

dv said...

jaysun, i am glad we are e-pals now thanks to SMASH THE STATE

let's start a gundam blog called Side 3 Nerve Gas Petition

Jaysun said...

this dude belong in my gi joe movie:


verburg...how about "colony acid droppers"?

I joke I keed...

dv said...

whoa that was intense!!

what about Guilty of Being Whitebase?

this guy will play wild bill


Jaysun said...

omfg...that's totally how cobra commander became cobra commander!


Dr. Henry E. Miller said...

Hey you butts, I like Speed Racer and Cowboy Bebop is swell and Big-O was a fancy cartoon too. By Anime I mean shit nerds buy 100 dollar bootlegs of so they can EXPERIENCE JAPANESE CULTURE.

My wife is Japanese, I can experience Japanese culture whenever I eat the last ice cream bar or call her "Tokyo Rose"

dv said...

god i should have written in robotech for president when i voted

i love that shit

sushi is gross

Anonymous said...

Where does anyone get that many green Tarkins? Someone said they army built the stormtrooper that came with him, but that trooper sucked and the swapper returned a super-articulated removable helmet stormtrooper back in one set.

How about blaming Hasbro for making too many Vader, R2-D2's and reissues? Star Wars collecting is a pain the butt.